Ethics channel

Inform me if you notice any conduct that is not in line with the values of the IGC Group

Welcome to the IGC Group’s Ethics Channel.

All IGC Group companies (IGC, Panfoods, including Top Corretora and CABEFI) believe in the power of dialogue and frank communication as a way of overcoming and resolving any breaches of our ethical and moral values.

We believe that this frank communication is valued when we provide communication channels that allow all employees, shareholders, customers, suppliers, the community and other business partners, a means for everyone to communicate any fact that may harm the Group’s companies, their employees, shareholders, customers and other stakeholders related to the company. For this, we provide the Ethics Channel, where you can anonymously or not, denounce any fact that you believe is not complying with our legislation, our Code of Ethics, our procedures and other company rules.

All messages will be investigated and treated, regardless of whether they are ANONYMOUS, IDENTIFIED OR CONFIDENTIAL, we will provide feedback on how they were treated and the problem solved.

Communicate and help us maintain our ethical values and make Group IGC a better company.

Available communication channels:
  • Telephone: 0800 545 5011
  • E-mail: